The Blender House

Επιχειρήσεις -Οικονομία Ρούχα

on Aug 25, 2020

We believe in a world in which you can live with total freedom, without having the fear of being judged for your own choices. Our need for uniqueness and diversity created “theblenderhouse”, an upcoming website whose aim is to alter the norms and debunk the existing stereotypes in the fashion world. Our ideology hides behind our name ; an ideology, which is based on how fashion greatly unites fabrics, colors, brands, ideas, style & personalities.

With basic ingredients our mood and fantasy, we lay the foundation on which we are going to build “our home”. A house that will shelter the mix of modern with classic, cheap with expensive and vintage with contemporary. Our clothes and accessories are chosen carefully from all around the world. They are unique, special, affordable by everyone, available, ready to give you the confidence and enable you to dress in ways so that you can mirror your attitude to your style.